Graduate Coursework List
The Combination of Urban Planning, Policy, Climate, Energy, Data Science, and AI + Society Course at the University of Washington.
We suggest, as doctoral students, taking whatever courses you are interested in with an objective beyond GPA. Ultimately, your time in graduate school will be assessed not by your grades but by your research performance and impact. You could explore some course registration strategies:
Audit a class: if you don’t want to do the homework: you just need to send an email and change to audit (instruction).
Grade options: a great option (C/NC) if you’d like to attend some hard classes but do not want to influence your GPA.
Time conflicts: send an email to the registration office if the conflict is less than an hour per week (instruction), need professors’ permission if the conflict is more than one hour per week.
Register for other-major-only courses See their own website or ask the instructors. For Allen School (CSE), to complete the petition for both undergraduate and graduate level classes (instruction).
Where can I find the syllabus? Google it with codes and names. All URBDP course syllabi can be found here: MUP Courses + Syllabi.
Planning, Policy, and Institutions
Energy, Climate, and Infrastructure
- ATM S 559 Climate Modeling
- ATM S 587 Fundamentals of Climate Change
- ATM S 588 The Global Carbon Cycle and Climate
- CHEM E 550 Solar Energy and Photovoltaics
- E E 553 Power System Economics
- G H 538 Understanding and Managing the Health Risks of Climate Change
- MSE 539 Renewable Energy: Photovoltaics
- PUBPOL 594 Economic Approaches to Environmental Management
- URBDP 566 Infrastructure Planning and Finance
- URBDP 598 Urban Climate Solution
- CS&SS 510 Maximum Likelihood Methods for the Social Sciences
- CS&SS 512 Time Series and Panel Data for the Social Sciences
- CS&SS 567 Statistical Analysis of Social Networks
- CS&SS 568 Game Theory For Social Scientists
- STAT 504 Applied Regression
- STAT 512/513 Statistical Inference
- STAT 534 Statistical Computing
- STAT 535 Statistical Learning
- STAT 536 Analysis of Categorical and Count Data
- STAT 554 Statistical Methods for Spatial Data
- STAT 560 Hierarchical Modeling for the Social Sciences
- STAT 564 Bayesian Statistics for the Social Science
- STAT 566 Causal Modeling
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
AI and Society
- CSE 580 Computing for Social Good
- CSE 582 Ethics in Artificial Intelligence
- GEOG 521 Critical Geographic Information System
- PUBPOL 583 Science, Technology, and Public Policy
- PUBPOL 585 Topics In Science, Technology, And Public Policy
- PUBPOL 586 Technology, Law, and Policy
- STSS 591 Science, Technology & Society Studies in Action
Master of Urban Planning at UW (Urban Analytics Track)
Currently, Urban Analytics or similar data science directions are not formal specializations in the MUP program at UW but students can apply for the individualized specialization and benefit from one of the best data science universities on the earth. If you prefer to do so, I highly recommend you review basic calculus, probability, linear algebra, and programming before the beginning of the first year. Here is the example curriculum for the urban analytics track. BTW, you can move some required courses to the second year to balance your workload.
First Year: Autumn
- URBDP 500 Survey of Urban Planning 4 (Waive if you have American planning foundation before)
- URBDP 520 Quantitative Methods in Urban Design and Planning 4 (Waive if you have a good statistics foundation before)
- URBDP 527 History, Ethics, Form, and Theory 4
- CSE 583 Software Development for Data Scientists 4
- STAT 509 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics 4
First Year: Winter
- URBDP 501 Comprehensive Planning and Implementation 4
- URBDP 506 Planning Studio Prep 3
- URBDP 528 History, Ethics, Form, and Theory 4
- URBDP 573 Digital Design Practicum 4 (Waive if you have a design background before)
- CSE 414 Database Systems 4
First Year: Spring
- URBDP 507 Urban Planning Studio 5
- CSE 512 Data Visualization 4
- URBDP 522 Urban and Regional Geospatial Analysis 4 OR CEWA567 Geospatial Data Analysis with Python 4
Second Year: Autumn
- URBDP 598 Research Design for Urban Science 4
- CSE 546 Machine Learning 4
Second Year: Winter
- URBDP 700 Master’s Thesis on Urban Analytics 4
- CSE 517 Natural Language Processing 4 OR CSE 493G1 Deep Learning 4
Second Year: Spring
- URBDP 700 Master’s Thesis on Urban Analytics 5
- URBDP 580 Legal and Administrative Framework for Planning 3